Bo-Camp is a leading brand in accessories involving camping, recreation, and outdoor, garden, and outdoor sports. A brand with more than 30 years of experience, developed by an organization that has already been active in the leisure industry since the rise of tourism in Zeeland in the late 19th century.
The Bo-Camp range consists of many affordable and quality camping products. The excellent price/quality ratio is, therefore, an important characteristic of Bo-Camp camping equipment. The Bo-Camp designers pay much attention to the quality and in addition, the Bo-Camp articles are also very compact, lightweight, innovative, and equipped with smart solutions.
The Bo-Camp camping articles guarantee a pleasant stay on the camp site. Carefree traveling with Bo-Camp camping furniture, cooking accessories, sleeping articles, tableware, lighting, tools, and much more. With a choice of more than 1000 articles, a Bo-Camp product cannot be lacking in the camping equipment of today's camper.
Bo-Camp is part of the ' Bo-' family. In addition to Bo-Camp, there are the brands Bo-Leisure, Bo-Trail, and Bo-Garden. All these articles are available in virtually every outdoor camping store. Every adventure begins with Bo-Camp, 'the outdoor & leisure experience'!